FELT PROJECTSChristmas Felt Ornaments

Christmas Felt Ornaments

Make these easy, beautiful felt ornaments and decorate your Christmas tree. Have a very Merry Christmas!

What you’ll need

  1. Acrylic felt
  2. Embroidery needle
  3. Embroidery floss
  4. Scissors
  5. Stuffing material (polyester batting)
  6. Ribbons, beads, sequins, rhinestones, buttons, glitter glue, embroidery floss, scrap felt (optional for decoration)
  7. A piece of ribbon, yarn or thread to hang the ornament
  8. Miniature jingle bells
  9. Hole punch (optional)

How to make your own christmas felt ornaments

  • Download this free template. You can choose to print only some of the shapes and resize them as you like since they are vectors.
  • Instead of tracing (using chalk or a marker), I recommend securing the paper with the printed shape on the felt with a stapler (or pins) and cut both paper and felt. This way the shapes are going to be perfect.
    For each ornament you need to cut out two of the same shapes.
  • Decorate one of the two pieces. Use my photos for inspiration.
    You can embellish your ornaments with ribbons, beads, sequins, rhinestones, buttons, glitter glue, embroidery, sewing machine decorative stitches, little felt flowers, felt shapes and more.
    To embellish with ribbon or ric rac, cut a piece a little longer, sew in place using a simple running stitch or a fancy embroidery stitch, then fold the ends taking care not to distort the shape and secure them in place on the back side of the felt with a few whipstitches.
    To decorate with felt shapes or little felt flowers, sew them in place or glue them on. My preferred glue for felt is Crafter’s Pick The Ultimate.
    To embroider the felt, you can use a variety of embroidery stitches such as running stitch, backstitch, stem stitch, chain stitch, cross stitch and create random lines and shapes or embroider a more intricate pattern.
    You can also use your sewing machine to embroider the felt using decorative stitches that most of the machines have.
    To decorate with glitter glue. It stiffens the felt, so stuff first, sew the pieces together and use glitter glue at the end.
  • Embroider some vertical lines with brown embroidery thread or cut a small brown felt square piece and glue or sew it on, to create the tree “trunk”.
  • You can also cut a little star from yellow felt, embroider it (optionally) and glue it on the top of the tree.
  • Cut a piece of yarn or ribbon, around 25 cm (10 inches), fold it in half and sew or glue the ends on the second piece of felt (the one you haven’t decorated).
    Sew the miniature jingle bell on the undecorated piece of felt if you are making the bell.
  • Pin baste the two pieces of felt wrong sides together. Sew around the edge using blanket stitch, but not all the way. Leave an opening for stuffing. Stuff to desired plumpness and stitch up the opening.
  • Use a hole punch to make a hole at the top of the bell.
    Thread a piece of yarn or ribbon through the hole to hang the ornament.

Christmas felt stars

Christmas felt trees

felt Christmas ornament tutorial


  • Find a tutorial with a free template for more felt ornaments here.
  • The blanket stitch is the decorative stitch often used to sew felt pieces together. It secures and gives a very nice look.

blanket stitch




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